13 February 2012


Mothers keep churning us out
like there’s no tomorrow
and maybe there isn’t
for us

I see mammoth cockroaches
picking over the rubble
waiting to evolve into something
more photogenic

Call me cynical but
this radioactive dust
they’re putting in warheads these days
couldn’t be playing up with the weather,
could it?

Memorial at Kuta

Gaudy flags
draped over flowers
and in the background
a pile of burnt shoes

shoes that will not dance
nor be flung off in abandon
or slipped under the bed,
will not wear down on one side,

be left to dry on the verandah
or spattered with rain
from running
through a summer storm


a riot broke out
at the radio station
police were called in
to quell the listener response

nursing home residents
addicted to their man’s
frenzied fricatives
voluble vowels
garrulous glottal stops
dubious diphthongs
nagging nasals
and crazed consonants

surged out of their recliner chairs
and headed there in mini-buses
when a stand-in for their man
dared to let a caller ask

I wipe my arse on the flag

I wipe my arse on the flag
because it’s just an ocker rag,
a symbol of arse-licking
and brown-nosing dictators
and the colours are wrong,
the colours of empire and subservience.

I wipe my arse on the flag
because it was wrapped around Pauline
and it’s always over Howard’s shoulder,
because 350 people who drowned trying to get here
were deemed unworthy of its protection.

I wipe my arse on the flag
because it flutters over desert concentration camps
and prisons full of young black men
and corporate towers exalting cold hard capital.

I wipe my arse on the flag
because I like the feel
of the union jack in my crack.